Characteristics of an Obesity Cat

Characteristics of an Obesity Cat

Do you need to know the characteristics of your favorite cat affected by obesity? Of course yes. Not wanting to know about your cat’s health condition will in no way help him stay healthy using the cat hamster wheel. If you don’t pay attention to your health condition, it’s only a matter of time what you didn’t expect will come true. The following is complete information about the characteristics of cats affected by obesity.

Difficulty breathing and tired quickly
Obese cats will have difficulty breathing which is indicated by loud noises when breathing. He also gets tired faster and spends a lot of time sleeping.

Oily skin and dandruff
It can be difficult for obese cats to move around and groom or clean their fur on their own. This condition makes the skin and fur dirty, oily, and dandruff.

Lazy to move
Is your cat that was once active now very lazy to move? This condition is normal for older cats. However, if your cat is young but doesn’t like to play or jump like cats in general, it could be a sign of obesity.

Experiencing urinary tract interference
It’s also difficult for obese cats to squat or clean their anus on their own. This is due to the heavy load on the spine and joints. As a result, your cat will have difficulty defecating and get urinary tract infections.

The presence of ribs
A cat of normal weight will show the presence of ribs when the chest is touched. Unlike the case with obese cats whose ribs are not easily touched due to fat deposits.

One of the causes of cat obesity is excessive eating. In addition to portions, you must also pay attention to the nutritional content of the food. Start giving your cat a low-calorie feed to control its weight so it doesn’t get taller.

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